A night in Mattoon with my old Zapata neighbors and a breakfast at Cracker Barrel followed a nice visit and then it was off to Decatur for a one night visit with my sister Mary Michael and her husband Herb.
I hit the road this morning for Evansville Indiana and the USS LST 325 Museum. It is dedicated to all who served on LST's and especially those who died and tells the story of the 'gator' Navy. Having served LST 1162 the Wakiakum County during the early 60's they hold a special place in my heart. Here is some of what I saw.
The small boat off the side is a LVCP or papa (personnel) boat. My job was to ride this to the beach during an invasion. Everyone on board took cover except the signalman (me) who stood on the stern signaling back to the ship on progress. (a special kind of stupid)
The main deck, the yellow things are cleats for securing cargo to the deck. On a ship that could roll 45 degrees this was sort of improtant.
The tank deck looking toward the bow doors.

You would have found me manning the signal light on the wing to the side of the pilot house.
Although 325 was smaller and older than 1162 that I served on it still brought back many memories.
Tomorrow the tour will continue from Oak Grove Kentucky.