Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hannibal USA

I have arrived back in Hannibal just in time for the thunderstorm, but that's not unusual. Each day on the road this year has seen some rain so I'm getting used to driving in the rain. Sometimes I even sing in the rain.

Everything went well at HWH and for just $319.00 I now have four jacks that actually work. That will make my life much easier when I land some place. I am parked right by the river right now and will get some pictures tomorrow. I am stealth camping because it's more convenient to the people I want to touch base with.

Tonight I will be heading out to supper with ex-in-laws and family so it should be a good evening. Tomorrow it's lunch with authors Lisa and Ken Marks who also run the Hannibal History Museum, this is always an interesting time.

More pictures tomorrow.


  1. Glad to read that you are out Enjoying the Good Life.
    Be Safe!

    It's about time.

  2. I will always have a soft spot for Hannibal, as it was part of my first cross country trip in a small airplane. I had to stay there for several days waiting for the weather to clear:)

    1. We're waiting for the weather to clear again.

  3. Great news about the working jacks.

    I bet Lisa and Ken are really interesting people. There book about Hannibal looks interesting also. Enjoy.

    1. They are interesting people. They have written several books and the one I posted is a good one. They also do a Haunted Hannibal Tour every evening.

  4. Sure hoping your weather starts improving. It's been a rough spring for lots of folks. I think you got a pretty good deal on those jacks. Definitely will make it easier for you.

    1. I didn't think the repairs were that bad and I'm sure it could have been worse.
